GHST 22 Gallery League
This league is a 10 week rimfire .22LR handgun Lewis league using NRA Slow Fire (B-2) and NRA Timed/Rapid Fire (B-3) targets. Iron, optical or holographic/dot electronic sights allowed. Laser (target painting) sights are not allowed.
The 2024 Fall Gallery League started Tuesday, September September 24, 2024. The first round starts at 4:00PM. See League calendar for the current schedule.
The 2024 Fall League fees are $5 for registration and $15 for each week’s target set. Please have exact change for your round.
The assembly area for the League will be classroom 1. Participants should place their range gear in line along the inner wall near the room’s entrance. Individuals paying with cash should see the League Range Officer (LRO) to be checked in. Individuals paying by credit card should see the TMS cashier and then bring their receipt to the LRO for check-in. The LRO will release a round group for lane selection in Bay B once 7 individuals are present.
A Range Officer (RO) controls the course of fire during the round and also ensures safety rules are enforced. All firearms must be inspected by the RO at the firing line.
Participants should uncase their firearm at the bench in their lane and lock open their firearm’s action to allow the RO to verify the firearm’s unloaded state. Participants may load their magazines while the inspection is in process but may not load their firearm until instructed to do so.
When the participant is ready for for the practice stage, they should hang their practice target and send it down to the 50′ line. When all participants are ready, the RO will start the 2 minute practice session. When the practice session time is complete, the RO will sound the stage whistle and instruct the participants to return their practice target. If a participant completes their practice early, they may return their target before the stage whistle sounds. The participant may elect to hang their first stage target at that time but they should not send it down range until instructed to do so by the RO.
The RO will start a stage by instructing the participant to send their target down to the 50′ line and will announce the course of fire for the stage. The RO will ready the participants and start the stage by sounding the stage whistle. Participants who shoot before the stage whistle will cause the RO to suspend the stage and a shot penalty will be imposed on the responsible party. Once the penalty has been enforced, the RO will resume the stage.
Shooters may not use the shooting bench, partition wall or other external article as a brace for stability support when shooting.
When the time for stage has counted down, the RO will sound the stage whistle. Participants who shoot after the stage whistle will cause the RO to suspend the stage and impose a shot penalty on the responsible party. Once the penalty has been enforced, the RO will resume the stage and call for any alibis.
Participants are allowed one alibi per target in stages 3 through 6. A shooter may either choose to accept the alibi and reshoot that target with the penalty of loosing as many high shots as they took before the malfunction or they may reject the alibi and keep the current target’s score. Alibis are not allowed for stages 1 and 2.
Once all stages for the round are complete, the RO will inspect all firearms for an unloaded condition. When the safety inspection is complete, the RO will then instruct the participants to case their firearms and to exit the bay to reassemble in the large classroom.
The participants will score their targets, staple their score sheet to their target set, and turn in their target pack for review. Reviewed targets will be returned the following week.
If conditions permit, a banquet will be held after the League completes to award trophies and door prizes. The number of trophies awarded at the banquet will depend on the number of participants in the league. Smaller leagues will only have a first and second place trophy award. Larger leagues will divide the participants into classes with trophies awarded to the first, second and third place shooters of each class.
The 2024 Fall GHST 22 Gallery League Banquet will be held at Dehn’s Country Manor on Tuesday, December 12th. Sign-up for the banquet will start in November. Guests are welcome.
Course Of Fire:
All targets are shot at 50′ using both hands. Each course requires a mandatory reload. There are 10 shots per target, 5 rounds per magazine.
Target 1: Slow fire target, 10 shots in 5 minutes, reload at will.
Target 2: Slow fire target, 10 shots in 5 minutes, reload at will.
Target 3: Timed fire target, 5 shots in 20 seconds, reload on command.
Target 4: Timed fire target, 5 shots in 20 seconds, reload on command.
Target 5: Rapid fire target, 5 shots in 10 seconds, reload on command.
Target 6: Rapid fire target, 5 shots in 10 seconds, reload on command.
Perfect score: 600
Historical League Standings
Winter ’15Summer ’15Fall ’15Winter ’16Summer ’16Fall ’16
Winter ’17Summer ’17Fall ’17Winter ’18Summer ’18Fall ’18
Winter ’19Summer ’19Fall ’19Winter ’20Summer ’20Fall ’20
Winter ’21Summer ’21Fall ’21Winter ’22Summer ’22Fall ’22
Winter ’23Summer ’23Fall ’23Winter ’24Summer ’24Fall ’24